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Bielefeld IT Service Center

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Moodle for teaching projects

In addition to being used for specific courses, the university learning platform Moodle can also be used for teaching/learning projects that are not directly related to a course (e.g. material courses, teaching project courses).

Scope of services

Moodle courses for teaching projects can be requested from Support. Basically all Moodle features are available.

Different course formats, customizable rights/role system, notifications, drag&drop editing mode and file upload, Accessibility checking tools, Different material types for teaching/learning content, many different activities: Polling, assignments, surveys, chat, database, feedback, progress lists, forum, peer review, glossary, group voting, journal (learning diary), lesson (step-by-step learning material), learning package integration, scheduler, tests/quizzes, surveys, wiki, etherpad


Moodle offers numerous configuration options for a wide range of formats and deployment scenarios. Feel free to contact us with your requirements and ideas.


Target group

  • Students
  • Employees


  • Approval is done directly via Moodle(
  • Login is done via "registration with university access" using the DFN-AAI service of the German research network. After selecting "Bielefeld University", the login for all members of the university takes place via web authentication with Shibboleth.

  • Members of other Universities participating in the DFN-AAI service can also log in to Moodle, but they have to be registered manually in courses.


Request by email to


  • Purpose (e.g., AG, project, examination performance).
  • Responsible contact person(s)
  • Title of the course room
  • Expected duration of use
  • Desired approval (e.g. self-registration via password)

Deployment times

After creation by support staff (usually within 1-2 working days).

Data protection & terms of use


TiL Team
If you have any questions and/or problems, please contact the TiL team preferably by e-mail.

Tel.: 0521 106-12063


Instructions are available in the campus support portal at:

General support and instructions for Moodle are available at:


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