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  • Parität in Gremien

    © Universität Bielefeld

Parity in committees

Gender-balanced staffing - with a fair balance

Gender-balanced committees make balanced decisions. This makes them an essential way of shaping university structures and a sustainable contribution to equality. All genders must have the same opportunity to be represented there with their concerns. After all, committees decide on the selection of staff, people and are also places for the transfer of information. All committees and commissions at Bielefeld University should have 50% female members. The parity requirement also applies to all electoral lists. This is stipulated in the State Equal Opportunity Act (LGG) and in the equal opportunity concept of Bielefeld University. In recent years, the proportion of women on committees has grown significantly (see below). A new regulation in the 2014 reformed Higher Education Act NRW has favored this increase. However, female professors in particular often still experience the requirement of gender parity as ambivalent, because their share in some Faculties is below 50%. Thus, they take on committee work proportionately more often than their male colleagues. For this reason, the rectorate has set up a relief model in the case of disproportionate committee work for women, as well as an incentive and compensation system for taking on the dean function. These offers not only motivate women to change the composition of their committees. Parity has become more natural.

Gremienbesetzung Frauenanteile 2018

Gremium Frauenanteil in Prozent
Hochschulrat 50%
Rektorat 33% (Prorektorat: 50%)
Dekanate 15% (ab 10.2018: 43%)
Senat 50%
Dezernate 46%
Berufungskommissionen 50%


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