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Units & Projects

Bielefeld University Campus
© Universität Bielefeld

Units & Projects

Large scale projects shape research and collaboration across fields at the Faculty of Mathematics. Examples of such large scale research ventures include the Collaborative Research Center Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastics and their applications (CRC 1283) and the International Research Training Group Searching for the regular in the irregular: Analysis of singular and random systems (IRTG 2235). Furthermore, the Faculty of Mathematics takes part in two main scientific units at the university: the Research Centre for Mathematical Modelling (RCM²) and the Centre for Mathematical Economics (IMW). Our graduate program benefits from the association of the Faculty of Mathematics with the Bielefeld Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences (BGTS). Research in mathematical education is done at the Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik (IDM), which is a scientific unit within the faculty. Within this structure, numerous research projects and international collaborations can be supported.

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